Default Microsoft Windows Update Server

I'm in a corporate Windows environment, which has deployed its own WSUS server. The thing is, it seems to hardly ever be updated.

This means I don't get the latest updates for months. It's a worry for security, and inconvenient for other MS products.

I know how to edit the WUServer and WUStatusServer values in the registry, however what should the values be if I want to use the default Microsoft servers?

You should simply delete these registry keys if you want to revert to the default Microsoft update servers.

Changing those settings won't do much for you. The group policy which sets those values will overwrite any changes which you make.

Your IT staff probably only pushes out updates once they have been tested to ensure that they do not break any applications which are installed. If your security department has issue which this, then they should bring it up with the IT Admin group. Going around the IT admin group isn't going to to do anything but upset them.

My suggestion would be to bring your concerns to the group or individual responsible for the WSUS server. They probably have a policy/procedure for approving updates.