Set Page title using UI-Router

Solution 1:

Use $stateChangeSuccess.

You can put it in a directive:

app.directive('updateTitle', ['$rootScope', '$timeout',
  function($rootScope, $timeout) {
    return {
      link: function(scope, element) {

        var listener = function(event, toState) {

          var title = 'Default Title';
          if ( && title =;

          $timeout(function() {
          }, 0, false);

        $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', listener);


<title update-title></title>



Even with $stateChangeSuccess the $timeout has been needed for the history to be correct, at least when I've tested myself.

Edit: Nov 24, 2014 - Declarative approach:

app.directive('title', ['$rootScope', '$timeout',
  function($rootScope, $timeout) {
    return {
      link: function() {

        var listener = function(event, toState) {

          $timeout(function() {
            $rootScope.title = ( && 
            : 'Default title';

        $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', listener);





Solution 2:

There is a another way of doing this by combining most of the answers here already. I know this is already answered but I wanted to show the way I dynamically change page titles with ui-router.

If you take a look at ui-router sample app, they use the angular .run block to add the $state variable to $rootScope.

// It's very handy to add references to $state and $stateParams to the $rootScope
// so that you can access them from any scope within your applications.
// For example, <li ng-class="{ active: $state.includes('contacts.list') }"> 
// will set the <li> to active whenever 'contacts.list' or one of its 
// decendents is active.

.run([ '$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams',
function ($rootScope, $state, $stateParams) {
  $rootScope.$state = $state;
  $rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;

With this defined you can then easily dynamically update your page title with what you have posted but modified to use the defined state:

Setup the state the same way:

.state('home', {
    url: '/home',
    templateUrl : 'views/home.html',
    data : { pageTitle: 'Home' }

But edit the html a bit...

<title ng-bind="$"></title>

I can't say this is any better than the answers before... but was easier for me to understand and implement. Hope this helps someone!

Solution 3:

The angular-ui-router-title plugin makes it easy to update the page title to a static or dynamic value based on the current state. It correctly works with browser history, too.

Solution 4:

$stateChangeSuccess is now deprecated in UI-Router 1.x and disabled by default. You'll now need to use the new $transition service.

A solution isn't too difficult once you understand how $transition works. I got some help from @troig in understanding it all. Here's what I came up with for updating the title.

Put this in your Angular 1.6 application. Note that I'm using ECMAScript 6 syntax; if you are not, you'll need e.g. to change let to var.

.run(function($transitions, $window) {
    $transitions.onSuccess({}, (transition) => {
        let title =;
        if (title) {
            if (title instanceof Function) {
                title =, transition.params());
            $window.document.title = title;

Then just add a title string to your state:

    name: "foo",
    url: "/foo",
    template: "<foo-widget layout='row'/>",
    title: "Foo Page""

That will make the words "Foo Page" show up in the title. (If a state has no title, the page title will not be updated. It would be a simple thing to update the code above to provide a default title if a state does not indicate one.)

The code also allows you to use a function for title. The this used to call the function will be the state itself, and the one argument will be the state parameters, like this example:

    name: "bar",
    url: "/bar/{code}",
    template: "<bar-widget code='{{code}}' layout='row'/>",
    title: function(params) {
        return `Bar Code ${params.code}`;

For the URL path /bar/code/123 that would show "Bar Code 123" as the page title. Note that I'm using ECMAScript 6 syntax to format the string and extract params.code.

It would be nice if someone who had the time would put something like this into a directive and publish it for everyone to use.

Solution 5:

Attaching $state to $rootscope to use anywhere in the app.['$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams',
    function ($rootScope,   $state,   $stateParams) {

        // It's very handy to add references to $state and $stateParams to the $rootScope
        // so that you can access them from any scope within your applications.For example,
        // <li ng-class="{ active: $state.includes('contacts.list') }"> will set the <li>
        // to active whenever 'contacts.list' or one of its decendents is active.
        $rootScope.$state = $state;
        $rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;
<title ng-bind="$ + ' - ui-router'">about - ui-router</title>