Word heading number blacked out

When opening the document I am working on in Word 2010 this morning, the number in heading level 1 is a black rectangle:

enter image description here

however, it still look ok in the bookmark pane:

enter image description here

Weird, ey?

  1. Place the cursor just to the right of the black box in any example of the affected heading.
  2. Hit (left arrow) and the black box should turn gray.
  3. Type Ctrl+Shift+S to bring up a style popup.
  4. Click Reapply.

This has worked every time I've had this problem.

I solved this after all, I also noticed that someone else was unable to resolve this on a Microsoft forum, so if you read this, here is my solution:

  1. Press properties for Heading 1
  2. Press format, numbering
  3. Chose No numbering. Exit the properties. All numbering will now disappear.
  4. From the "start" pane, press multi-level-list, and then the format that looks like:
  1. Heading 1

1.1. Heading 2

1.1.1. Heading 3