Network Path not found while joining Active Directory

Solution 1:

Problems like this are always due to DNS.

Try the following commands from the PC you are trying to join to the domain

nslookup ad

They should both resolve if you've got everything configured correctly.

It would be beneficial if you would include the output of ipconfig /all and ip details for your domain controllers within your question.

Solution 2:

Never tinkered with EC2, but my 2 cents,

From your Virtual client machine, do a ping ad or ping, if its able to ping, then it means that the server and client are reachable.

Also check the subnet and other network settings to ensure that they both are on the same network

Other issue being the COnnection Specific DNS Suffix and DNS Suffic search order

Solution 3:

Just disable the second NIC, join the domain, and restart. Then you can re-enable the other NIC.