Beyond "i before e, except after c!"
Solution 1:
The answer is r, largely due to productive prefixes like re- and pre-.
Per the OED, words with a letter followed by ei occur with this frequency for each such letter:
981 r
586 l
518 h
478 w
394 s
366 c
349 v
341 n
315 t
224 d
149 m
145 f
140 b
139 e
124 p
114 g
81 o
73 k
67 u
51 a
50 y
24 i
19 z
4 j
2 x
This includes words like reification, reillumination, reimpregnation as well ones like Reichstag, reindeer, reine. Because hyphens don’t count, words like pre-install are included, since these can be spelled without the hyphen as well.
The main j-word is jeistiecor. There are also cross references (older spellings) of jeig for jig, jeine for jean, and jeit for jet.
The two x-words are exeime for exeme and hexeity for haecceity.