Is this statement "Every element in the empty set is greater than itself." true or its negation is true?

Solution 1:

The negation of $\forall x \in S, x > x$ is $\exists x \in S, x \leq x$. If $S = \varnothing$, then there can't exist such an element in $S$, because there exists no element in $S$. Hence, $p$ is true. In general, every "$\forall$" property is true unless there exists a counter exemple.

Solution 2:

Another approach based on the principle that anything follows from a falsehood or contradiction:

  1. $\forall a (\neg a\in\emptyset)$ (by definition)

  2. $x\in \emptyset$ (assume falsehood)

  3. $\neg P(x)$ (assume)

  4. $\neg x\in \emptyset$ (universal specification, 1)

  5. $x\in\emptyset \wedge\neg x\in\emptyset$ (2, 4)

  6. $\neg\neg P(x)$ (conclusion 3, 5)

  7. $P(x)$ (6)

  8. $\forall a (a\in \emptyset\rightarrow P(a))$ (conclusion 2, 7)

where $P$ is any unary predicate.