Solution 1:

By Shared Calendars do you mean the calendars under the other calendars node in Outlook ?

Other Calendars Node

If so these Items are NavLinks that are stored in the Common Views folder in a Mailbox which is under the NonIPMSubtree (root) see You can use EWS to get the NavLinks from a Mailbox and use the PidTagWlinkAddressBookEID extended property to get the X500 address of the Mailbox these Links refer to and then use Resolve Name to resolve that to a SMTP Address. Then all you need to do is Bind to that folder eg

     static Dictionary<string, Folder> GetSharedCalendarFolders(ExchangeService service, String mbMailboxname)
        Dictionary<String, Folder> rtList = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Folder>();

        FolderId rfRootFolderid = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Root, mbMailboxname);
        FolderView fvFolderView = new FolderView(1000);
        SearchFilter sfSearchFilter = new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(FolderSchema.DisplayName, "Common Views");
        FindFoldersResults ffoldres = service.FindFolders(rfRootFolderid, sfSearchFilter, fvFolderView);
        if (ffoldres.Folders.Count == 1)

            PropertySet psPropset = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties);
            ExtendedPropertyDefinition PidTagWlinkAddressBookEID = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(0x6854, MapiPropertyType.Binary);
            ExtendedPropertyDefinition PidTagWlinkGroupName = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(0x6851, MapiPropertyType.String);

            ItemView iv = new ItemView(1000);
            iv.PropertySet = psPropset;
            iv.Traversal = ItemTraversal.Associated;

            SearchFilter cntSearch = new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(PidTagWlinkGroupName, "Other Calendars");
            // Can also find this using PidTagWlinkType = wblSharedFolder
            FindItemsResults<Item> fiResults = ffoldres.Folders[0].FindItems(cntSearch, iv);
            foreach (Item itItem in fiResults.Items)
                    object GroupName = null;
                    object WlinkAddressBookEID = null;

                    // This property will only be there in Outlook 2010 and beyond
                    if (itItem.TryGetProperty(PidTagWlinkAddressBookEID, out WlinkAddressBookEID))

                        byte[] ssStoreID = (byte[])WlinkAddressBookEID;
                        int leLegDnStart = 0;
                        // Can also extract the DN by getting the 28th(or 30th?) byte to the second to last byte 
                        String lnLegDN = "";
                        for (int ssArraynum = (ssStoreID.Length - 2); ssArraynum != 0; ssArraynum--)
                            if (ssStoreID[ssArraynum] == 0)
                                leLegDnStart = ssArraynum;
                                lnLegDN = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(ssStoreID, leLegDnStart + 1, (ssStoreID.Length - (leLegDnStart + 2)));
                                ssArraynum = 1;
                        NameResolutionCollection ncCol = service.ResolveName(lnLegDN, ResolveNameSearchLocation.DirectoryOnly, false);
                        if (ncCol.Count > 0)

                            FolderId SharedCalendarId = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, ncCol[0].Mailbox.Address);
                            Folder SharedCalendaFolder = Folder.Bind(service, SharedCalendarId);
                            rtList.Add(ncCol[0].Mailbox.Address, SharedCalendaFolder);


                catch (Exception exception)

        return rtList;

Cheers Glen

Solution 2:

You need to specify a searchfilter. this is described here, though im not sure which Schema is the correct one, my guess would be Archieved.

So you would do something like this:

SearchFilter searchFilter = new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(FolderSchema.Archieved, false);

FindFoldersResults findFolderResults = service.FindFolders(WellKnownFolderName.MsgFolderRoot,searchFilter, view);