What is the probability that a red ball is chosen before the black ball?

A box contains 2 white balls, 2 red balls and a black ball. Balls are chosen without replacement from the box. What is the probability that red ball is chosen before the black ball?

I am quite confused about the question because this is a exercise arranged in "combination" section, however I intuitively think it as a "permutation" problem. The red balls and the white balls have to be different, and as a red is chosen before the black, then its order should be accounted with. Furthermore, the question is that "the red", thus the red ball labeled 1 and the red ball labeled 2 can be chosen without considering their orders. Can anyone give me a clue to solve this kind of problem?

Solution 1:

It seems to me that first you can ignore the white balls: if you configure the black and red ball order first, then adding the white balls in any combination cannot affect your answer because the while ball positions are all equally possible and equally likely regardless of the situation [*].

This would suggest that the probability is 2/3.

Consider the three nonwhite balls. The black ball can either be first, second, or third. These possibilities are all equally likely. If the black ball is first, you lose because you've drawn it before a red ball. In the other two outcomes, you win because you draw a red ball before a black ball.

[*] To see this, you can imagine all of the balls arranged in a row in order of how you drew them out. You can change the positions of the white balls without (a) changing the probability of that configuration, and (b) without changing whether you drew a red ball before a black ball.

Solution 2:

@user326210 has given a most simple answer. If you nevertheless insist on an answer using "combinatorial concepts" you can argue as follows:

Number the white balls $1$ and $2$, the red balls $3$ and $4$, and the black ball $5$. The result of the drawing then is a random permutation of $[5]$, like $(41352)$. By symmetry one fifth of these permutations begin with $5$ and two fifths with $3$ or $4$. From the permutations beginning with $1$ or $2$ one fourth have $5$ at second place and two fourths have $3$ or $4$ at second place. Finally from the permutations beginning with $12$ or $21$ one third have $5$ at third place and two thirds have $3$ or $4$ at third place.

The conclusion is that $5$ appears before $3$ or $4$ in exactly a third of all permutations. Have you obtained any insight by going through all these motions?