How do you handle oncut, oncopy, and onpaste in jQuery?

You can add and remove events of any kind by using the .on() and off() methods

Try this, for instance

jQuery(document).on('paste', function(e){ alert('pasting!') });

jQuery is actually quite indifferent to whether the event type you assign is supported by the browser, so you can assign arbitrary event types to elements (and general objects) such as:

jQuery('p').on('foobar2000', function(e){ alert(e.type); });

In case of custom event types, you must .trigger() them "manually" in your code, like this:


Neat eh?

Furthermore, to work with proprietary/custom DOM events in a cross-browser compatible way, you may need to use/write an "jQuery event plugin" ... example of which may be seen in jquery.event.wheel.js Brandon Aaron's Mousewheel plugin

Various clipboard events are available in Javascript, though support is spotty. has a compatibility grid and test page. The events are not exposed through jQuery, so you'll either have to extend the library or use native Javascript events.

Mozilla supports an "input" event which I'm having trouble finding useful documentation for. At the very least, I know it fires on paste.

    function(){//stuff here},