A word for someone who shows great interest/love for something that they know very little about

I'm searching for such a word so I can use it for myself. I'm still young and I sadly have numerous passions for many things but sometimes find myself at a loss, for I know very little in the subject, and I can't find the time to learn all about my interests. Please help me find the word to describe this.

Solution 1:





Solution 2:

You are aspiring.

aspiring |əˈspī(ə)riNG| adjective [ attrib. ] – directing one's hopes or ambitions toward becoming a specified type of person: an aspiring artist.

It is uncommon, however, to be "aspiring" full-stop. If you are aspiring in many areas, you could use aspirant.

aspirant |ˈaspərəntəˈspīrənt| adjective [ attrib. ] – (of a person) having ambitions to achieve something, typically to follow a particular career: an aspirant politician.

Both of these terms imply that you will one day be skilled, but you're just not there yet.

If you're talking about a hobby or activity for which you expect or intend little improvement, I would use "enthusiastic". When I tell people, "I'm very passionate about basketball, but very terrible at it," they often respond with, "So, you're enthusiastic."

Of course, it only works in some contexts. Alone, "enthusiastic" does not imply adeptness or its lacking.

enthusiastic noun – having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval

But in a case where skill is being questioned, then it's a great way to imply an absence of ability. For example, it would work if "enthusiastic" is used to substitute "talented" or "good".

A: "Is George a talented dancer?"

B: "Well, George is an enthusiastic dancer."

This is a kind way of saying "no". The two qualities aren't mutually exclusive, but B answered a yes-or-no question by correcting "talented" to "enthusiastic". A should understand now that George may never be a good dancer, but he likes dancing. "Eager," "passionate," and "keen" also work here.