Difference between using [] and list() in Python

When you convert a dict object to a list, it only takes the keys.

However, if you surround it with square brackets, it keeps everything the same, it just makes it a list of dicts, with only one item in it.

>>> obj = {1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 6, 7: 8}
>>> list(obj)
[1, 3, 5, 7]
>>> [obj]
[{1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 6, 7: 8}]

This is because, when you loop over with a for loop, it only takes the keys as well:

>>> for k in obj:
...     print k

But if you want to get the keys and the values, use .items():

>>> list(obj.items())
[(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8)]

Using a for loop:

>>> for k, v in obj.items():
...     print k, v
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

However, when you type in list.__doc__, it gives you the same as [].__doc__:

>>> print list.__doc__
list() -> new list
list(sequence) -> new list initialized from sequence's items
>>> print [].__doc__
list() -> new list
list(sequence) -> new list initialized from sequence's items

Kind of misleading :)

  • The former just wraps the entire item in square brackets [], making it a one-item list:

    >>> [{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}]
    [{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}]
  • The latter iterates over the dictionary (getting keys) and produces a list out of them:

    >>> list({'foo': 1, 'bar': 2})
    ['foo', 'bar']