View IE (6,7,8,9) on Mac?

I am a web developer. I would like to view my web design on IE(6 - latest). Is there a quick way to view it?

Thanks in advance


I already have a Windows OS on my Mac using VirtualBox. However, I dont want to load such heavy program just to preview IE :( I need an alternative or faster way to view IE

Solution 1:

You can either install Windows as a virtual machine (eg. VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop) or on a Bootcamp partition. Note that this requires a Windows license and media for installing. In Windows you can then install IETester for example.

There are some online services that will make screenshots for you in said browsers like Adobe Browserlab ( Though that might not be ideal when wanting to quickly debug some problems.

There are even services where you connect to a remote VNC instance running a selected Windows configuration like But those generally do not come free to my knowledge.

<= will be shut down FEB 1, 2013 <=

Solution 2:

Wine claims to support IE 6, 7, and 8 with varying levels of efficacy.

It's not a simple solution, but it sure is a hell of a lot lighter-weight then a VM, and it effectively runs the full browser on OSX.

You need to be at least somewhat familiar with the command line to get anywhere with Wine, though.

Crossover Mac is basically a MacOS GUI for wine. It has the same capabilities as wine, but the GUI makes installing things much easier. On the other hand, it's not free.

Solution 3:

Buy a cheap used Windows XP Pro box (or rent a Windows VM from some cloud if you want to be more "green") and just leave it running. Use a Remote Desktop or VNC viewer to view IE on it from your Mac. No big load on your Mac and little boot up time if you just leave it running.