Getting "Mismatched anonymous define() module..." when I try running tests

Finally i solved all the issues and was able to run the jasmine test successfully with requirejs configuration. I had top mention all the dependencies in the karma config and mark them as included: false exclusively so that they get loaded by requirejs through my test-config file.

files: [
    {pattern: 'vendor/angular/1.2.1/angular.js', included: false},
    {pattern: 'vendor/angular/1.2.1/angular-mocks.js', included: false},
    {pattern: 'vendor/angular/1.2.1/angular-*.js', included: false},
    {pattern: 'vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap-*.js', included: false},
    {pattern: 'jquery-1.7.1.min.js', included: false},
    {pattern: 'app/app.js', included: false},
    {pattern: 'app/**/*.js', included: false},
    {pattern: 'test/test-config.js', included: true}]

only the test-config is loaded through karma and all others to be included in the karma config but mark as false.

Also, i had to load the app.js in my spec file so that the modules and controllers get loaded:

define(['angular-mocks', 'jquery', 'app/app'], function(angularmocks, $, app){