Since you can finish the game without FOBs and I do not want to create any FOB so I do not have to play on line1. As I understand it, during ep 21, you get a call to defend Mother Base thus starting ep. 22.

Is it just ep. 22 or do I have to avoid ep. 21 as well?

Can you just safely ignore the call to return to base?

1I have a very limited time I can spend playing the game. Spending an hour a week grinding to get stolen resources back is not my idea of fun as his is about a third of the time I can play games. Thus, I want to avoid getting in the situation that I can be raided.

Solution 1:

To advance in the story line, you will need to do these missions and it is mandatory to create a FOB as part of the tutorial.

Unfortunately, the statement "you can finish the game without FOBs" doesn't mean that you can go through the game without building one, it means that you can go through the game without playing that mode after passing the tutorial (at which point you will have a FOB set up).

If you have an internet connection, it will force you to do the FOB tutorial, which will create your FOB and open it up for attack. If you can avoid connecting to the internet while playing you can skip it. Afaik, as soon as you reconnect to the internet, it will take you through the FOB tutorial. So if you want to avoid FOBs, disconnect from the internet before mission 22 and don't reconnect at all.