The Function (fn) key keeps bringing up Mission Control. How do I disable it?

Solution 1:

I was able to replicate the problem. Here's what worked on my machine to fix it:

  • Go to System Preferences » Mission Control
  • Under Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts, go to Mission Control.
    • If it's set to fn, set it to some other value (or the - at the bottom of the list to disable a keyboard shortcut for Mission Control).
    • If it's not set for fn, but fn keeps triggering it (which happened to me), change it to anything else, then change it back to the value you want it to have.

On my machine, that made fn stop triggering Mission Control.

Solution 2:

To disable the functions of all Fn keys you can go to Apple > System Preferences. Then click on Keyboard and check the box that says "Use all F1, F2, keys as standard function keys"

As for jsut Mission Control you can go to in System Preferences to Mission Control, and you'll find there some list menus that let you choose the keys for the different features of Mission Control. At the bottom there is a "-" which turns it off.