How can I Map a Network Drive with Password so it stays mapped after a reboot?

I mapped a network drive to a location that needs a password. Now whenever my computer starts up, it tells me that it could not connect to that network drive because a password is needed.

How do I make set my computer to remember the password for that mapped network drive?

My PC is running Windows XP Professional

Solution 1:

There's two was to do it - the GUI, or a command line.

GUI Method

  1. Right click 'My Computer' -> 'Disconnect Network Drive'.
  2. Select your network drive, and disconnect it.
  3. Right click 'My Computer' -> 'Map Network Drive'.
  4. Enter the path, and click 'Connect using a different username and password'
  5. Input the appropriate username and password.

Command Line

  1. Create a new batch file with the follwing:
@echo off
net use x: /delete
net use x: \\server\share /USER:COMPUTER\User password


x: is your preferred drive
\\server\share is your computer name, and share name
COMPUTER\User is the computer's name (or IP) and a valid username on that PC.

Save this in your startup; and it will run when you log onto the computer. The batch file is my personal preferred method, because it overrides any stale credentials that your computer might be saving.

Also keep in mind authentication. When Windows connects to another computer, it first uses your logon information to authenticate. Normally, the guest account is enabled, which is why most computers won't prompt for a password. If that doesn't work, you need to specify an account that is on the remote computer; in the form of COMPUTERNAME\Username. You can specify COMPUTERNAME as a NetBIOS name, or you can use an IP address, such as; or whatever the case may be.

Solution 2:

The solution is as answered here: How to save the password for a mapped network drive?

Map the drive using this syntax at the command prompt:

net use X: \\Hostname\Share /savecred /p:yes

It will then prompt for a username and password, which will be saved and will not prompt even after a reboot.

You can also add the credentials by opening Start → Run → control userpasswords2 → Advanced → Manage Passwords.

This feature exists on Windows XP and later.

Solution 3:

Normally when you are prompted for the password, there is a little checkbox to 'remember my password'.

If it doesn't prompt you, then maybe this kb article will help.

Where this appears to fail is if you are connecting to the server using the same username as you are using to logon into windows but with different password. (I am guessing that windows can not remember two passwords for the same name).

Solution 4:

If you have already stored a (possibly wrong) password, then Windows will try to use the wrong password first and then you get the prompt for entering the password. If you enter the right password, the old password is possibly not replaced.

You can check it. Click Start > Run then enter the following:

control keymgr.dll

Check if there are any stored passwords for your network drive.

Solution 5:

I tried it on Windows Server 2003 (should work on any version of Windows after XP) and this is what I did with the GUI (don't need a risky batch file) to make it stay mapped after reboot:

  1. Click Start and then click on Run
  2. Type your \\ip or \\addresshere\folderifany
  3. It will prompt you for a username and password, so fill in that info.
  4. Check the box that says it will save your credentials or password.
  5. Map the network drive and enjoy.

Test it with a reboot and you will see it is still mapped.