Install Google tracking, apache level

Solution 1:

If you use Google PageSpeed Module you could set in the .htaccess:

ModPagespeedEnableFilters insert_ga
ModPagespeedAnalyticsID <Analytics ID>

See details here.

Solution 2:

This is certainly possible via Apache. You can use the add-handler to add an action for all .htm or .php file on a per server, per directory or even in .htaccess.

Action add-footer /path/to/footer.cgi
AddHandler add-footer .htm

Where footer.cgi is a script which will add the footer to the file.

You can also do this within the php processing (although it would then only work for php files) using

php_value auto_append_file /path/to/footer.php

This will add the code in footer.php to your PHP code.