Facebook adding tester users and admin is: (pending), what does that mean?

The new Facebook developer integration should be really handy and easy, but i'm struggling with creating a test user or a regular Facebook user to get permissions to sign in my app.

I opened a "TestApp", and login in as a "Admin" works great! The problem is adding more Facebook accounts and test users.

When i tried to add a Facebook account to "Testers" section, i get this (pending) message next to the persons name, and can not log in the app using Facebook with that user! Same issue with adding a "Admin" to the app:

enter image description here

After this didn't work, i figured if i create a "TestUser" maybe i'll have better luck, but the test user does not show up when i'm trying to add him to the "Role".

enter image description here

Any one that can make this clear to me a-bit more will be much appreciated. Thanks!

Found the answer, its a bit silly but if anyone else gets the same issue...

After you add a new user to the "Testers" he gets a notification that he must accept, so the "Pending" will go away, and the user will be activated.

This notification does not get to the Facebook home page, only to the "Developer section" of that user.

Thanks for the help.

I just want to add few details on the answer but I cannot comment.

The test user need to register as Facebook developer (if he not reregistered already)

Link: https://developers.facebook.com/async/registration/

After that he need to approve the request from the app

Then he need to approve the request at this link Link: https://developers.facebook.com/requests/

approve the request