What happens to the pointer itself after delete? [duplicate]

void doSomething()
    TheObject *ptr = new TheObject;
    delete ptr;
    ptr = NULL;
    return 0;

Let me borrow the words from operator delete in cplusplus.com:

Deallocates the memory block pointed by ptr (if not null), releasing the storage space previously allocated to it by a call to operator new and rendering that pointer location invalid.

Please help to clear my confusions: what happens to the pointer itself after delete? The pointer itself does have an address, right? So after the pointed block is deleted, what about the pointer itself?

Could I say that the pointer itself will be free after returning the method where the pointer is initialized? Is the pointer itself placed on the stack or heap?

The pointer itself does have an address and the value. The address of the pointer does not change after you perform delete on it. The space allocated to the pointer variable itself remains in place until your program releases it (which it might never do, e.g. when the pointer is in the static storage area). The standard does not say what happens to the value of the pointer; all it says is that you are no longer allowed to use that value until you assign your pointer a valid value. This state of the pointer is called dangling.

In your program, the pointer ptr is dangling after delete has completed, but before the ptr = NULL assignment is performed. After that it becomes a NULL pointer.

The pointer it self is placed on stack or heap?

Pointer variable is a regular variable. Its placement follows the same rules as the placement of other variables, i.e. you can put a pointer in a static area, in an automatic area (commonly known as "the stack") or in the dynamic memory (also known as "the heap"). In this case, you allocate a pointer to a pointer:

TheObject **ptrPtr = new TheObject*; // The pointer to a pointer is on the stack
*ptrPtr = new TheObject;             // The pointer to TheObject is in the heap
delete *ptrPtr; // The space for TheObject is released; the space for the pointer to TheObject is not
delete ptrPtr;  // Now the space for the pointer to TheObject is released as well
// The space for the pointer to pointer gets released when ptrPtr goes out of scope

In C and C++, a pointer can be thought of in many ways as just an integer in disguise. So when you say:

TheObject *ptr = new TheObject;

Then ptr is just like a stack-allocated ("automatic") integer variable, one that happens to be big enough to hold the memory address of the heap-allocated TheObject. It's similar to saying

size_t i = /* some value given to you by the runtime */.

Later on, when you write

ptr = NULL;

it has an identical meaning to:

i = 0;

So what happens to the pointer when you leave the function? Just as with any other automatic variable, it's deallocated at the end of the block. It's as simple as that. (Of course, the thing that's pointed to will live on until you call delete, or free() in C.)

Performing delete invalidates the pointer (see [new.delete.single]#10). It could be said that the value is changed: previously it had a value, but now it does not have a value.

Trying to read the value of the pointer (note: this is different to dereferencing it) causes implementation-defined behaviour since C++14, which may include generating a runtime fault. (In C++11 and older standards, it was undefined behaviour). Ref: [basic.stc.dynamic.deallocation]#4.

It would be legal for the compiler to also set the pointer to be null, or set it to some recognizable garbage for debugging purposes (although I don't know of any compilers that do this).