No Macintosh HD in Volumes folder

I am running in recovery mode to save the data from disk( I cant login due to deletion of private/var folder). I opened Terminal and went to Volumes. This folder should be populated with the Macintosh HD subfolder. It isn't. It just lists the OS X Base System, the external hard drive I have connected and .Trashes. I ran First Aid on Macintosh HD Parent folder called APPLE SSD... in Disk Utility panel. Nothing changed. How can I copy the data if there is no Macintosh HD to navigate to?

This is the output from diskutil list

enter image description here

Your main volume is encrypted with FileVault and still locked – consequently it doesn't show up in /Volumes. Before being able to mount it you'd have to unlock it:

diskutil cs unlockVolume lvUUID #replace lvUUID by the one shown in the diskutil listing

You will then be asked to enter the passphrase/password. You have to enter a passphrase or a password of a regular user eligible of unlocking FileVault. In your example the lvUUID is shown in diskutil list and starts with 573…. You may also get the lvUUID by entering diskutil cs list.