What's a good directory structure for larger C++ projects using Makefile?

Separating the .cpp of the .h file is not always a good solution. Generally I separate both of them when it is used as a library (public header in include and private header with the source code).

If it is a library, this structure is ok.

lib/ (class implementations *.cpp .h)
include/ (class definitions *.h) <- Only those to be installed in your system
tests/ (main.cpp for quick tests)
doc/ (doxygen or any kind of documentation)

If it is a application

src/ (source for the application)
lib/ (source for the application library *.cpp *.hpp)
include/ (interface for the library *.h)
tests/ (main.cpp for quick tests) <- use cppunit for this part
doc/ (doxygen or any kind of documentation)

Use the flag -I$(PROJECT_BASE)/include to specify the include path for the compilation

If it is a big project, it can be good to use tool like autoconf/automake or cmake to build everything. It will ease the development.

For those who find this question after 2020, an alternative modern and reasoned vision of "Canonical Project Structure" for C++ has been presented by Boris Kolpackov: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p1204r0.html

Briefly - no include/ and src/ split. All headers, sources, modules and unit tests go into one directory. Implementation details may be separated from public API by moving to <name>/<name>/details/ subdirectory.

├── <name>/
│   ├── headers...
│   ├── sources...
│   ├── modules...
│   └── unit tests...
└── tests/
    ├── functional_test1/
    ├── functional_test2/
    ├── integration_test1/
    ├── integration_test2/
    └── ...

If you have many source files, it may also be a good idea to further subdivide your source directory. For instance, one subdirectory for the core functionality of your application, one for the GUI, etc.


Doing so also forces you to avoid unneeded relationships between your "modules", which is a prerequisite to nice and reusable code.