Recommendations for Stock Trading and Investment Applications?

Try JStock.

JStock makes it easy to track your stock investment. It provides well organized stock market information, to help you decide your best investment strategy.JStoc.

To download, and for more information, visit their website

If you're looking for technical analysis software, then QTStalker is a good native application. Amibroker runs well under the current versions of Wine and Crossover.

A search using apt-cache search stock shows:

  • Tryton Application Platform has a Stock Module
  • smtm or "Show Me The Money" is a configurable Perl/Tk stock ticker program
  • If you are into KDE/Plasma you can use plasma-widget-stockquote plasma widget which displays stock quotes
  • pandorafms-agent - Pandora FMS is a Flexible Monitoring System which works as agent
  • For perl developers there is the libfinance-quote-perl, libfinance-yahooquote-perl and libfinance-histquote-perl
  • beancounter A stock portfolio performance monitoring tool