How to stick ssh-agent locking to the windows login?

Is it somehow possible to automatically unlock my private keys forr ssh authentication at windows login and (un)lock them when (un)locking my session?

Currently I'm using msys' ssh-agent but could image using e.g. charade as wrapper to putty's pageant, too, if a better solution for that already exists.

Grawity just has a password-less key encrypted with EFS, which is transparent to ssh-agent, so the key can be loaded automatically while remaining secure. He also suggests the following for Active Directory: If you don't have a certificate, cipher /k should create a new one, although it'll be self-signed.

You might be able to restore the state of the private keys being unlocked by hibernating the process in the state that the private keys are uncloked; then, every time you need it you could start the hibernated state you captured the first time. Technically, it could work...

If not, try setting a script up (AutoIt based, perhaps) to do the thing you would be doing manually.