What is the influence of mood?

What is the influence of mood in Civcrafter? Currently it is blissful, which sounds good. However, I have no change in production as far as I can tell. See the attached screenshot. The +20% comes from the clan I am in.


Effects of Happiness are as following:

  • When workers are angry, production falls drastically. You're fricking fricked.
  • When workers are unhappy, production goes down, but not to the 'angry' level. You're alright (for now.)
  • When workers are content, production stays the same. You aight.
  • When workers are happy, production increases. You're doing fine.
  • When workers are blissful, production increases by 1.5x. You're doing gooooooooood

From: https://civ-clicker.fandom.com/wiki/Happiness