iLo and DRAC equivalents

Solution 1:

Super Micro itself offers several Out Of Band management cards:

These use IPMI to do what they do.

Featuring IPMI 2.0 Server Remote Management

IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) is a hardware-level interface specification that defines a common, abstract message-based interface to platform monitoring and control functions. Providing peace of mind to customers, SIM (Supermicro Intelligent Management) module implements IPMI 2.0 technology to provide remote access, monitoring and administration for Supermicro server platforms. With SIM, server administrators can view a server's hardware status remotely, receive an alarm automatically if a failure occurs, and power cycle a system that is non-responsive.

Solution 2:

iLO and DRAC are just layers built on top of IPMI as well. HP and Dell want you to get hooked on using their products so they can charge you extra for the added features.