Missing Dropbox indicator-applet icon, how do I get it back?

Going by the info found in this dropbox update and the subsequent OMG! Ubuntu! article regarding that update, it would seem the files you need are (should be) in


Also be sure that your per-user setting doesn't ruin things. Check (I think it should be that one anyway) :



  • I don't have dropbox installed or anything, so this is mostly assumptions combined.
  • Depending on your theme, I guess it is possible that the values from hicolor get overwritten.
  • That update link at the beginning also contains a tar that holds the icons incase you need them.

From what I can gather the icons are in /usr/share/icons/[theme]/[resolution]/apps/dropbox.png.

You can confirm that you have them in that location by running find /usr/share/icons/ -name 'dropbox.png'.

If they are missing on your machine and present on your laptop, then you can just copy them over and that could just fix it.

* update *
The status icons are in /usr/share/icons/[theme]/status/[resolution]/

The names of the default status icons are

  1. dropboxstatus-busy.png
  2. dropboxstatus-blank.png
  3. dropboxstatus-busy2.png
  4. dropboxstatus-logo.png
  5. dropboxstatus-idle.png
  6. dropboxstatus-x.png

I hope that helps you narrow down the search.