function for converting a struct to map in Golang

I also had need for something like this. I was using an internal package which was converting a struct to a map. I decided to open source it with other struct based high level functions. Have a look:

It has support for:

  • Convert struct to a map
  • Extract the fields of a struct to a []string
  • Extract the values of a struct to a []values
  • Check if a struct is initialized or not
  • Check if a passed interface is a struct or a pointer to struct

You can see some examples here: For example converting a struct to a map is a simple:

type Server struct {
    Name    string
    ID      int32
    Enabled bool

s := &Server{
    Name:    "gopher",
    ID:      123456,
    Enabled: true,

// => {"Name":"gopher", "ID":123456, "Enabled":true}
m := structs.Map(s)

The structs package has support for anonymous (embedded) fields and nested structs. The package provides to filter certain fields via field tags.

From struct to map[string]interface{}

package main

import (

type MyData struct {
    One   int
    Two   string
    Three int

func main() {   
    in := &MyData{One: 1, Two: "second"}

    var inInterface map[string]interface{}
    inrec, _ := json.Marshal(in)
    json.Unmarshal(inrec, &inInterface)

    // iterate through inrecs
    for field, val := range inInterface {
            fmt.Println("KV Pair: ", field, val)

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