How do I prevent reload on named view, when state changes? AngularJS UI-Router

The way I am using ui-router in this scenarios is: move the views to the least common denominator.

Other words: In case that ui-view="nav" is shared among all the details and is the same for all of them (because it should be loaded only once) - it should be part of the list state (parent of the detail state)

the parent state defintion would be adjusted like this:

.state('person.list', {
    url: '/list',
    views: {
        "main@": {
            templateUrl: "person.list.html",
            controller: 'PersonListController'
        // here we target the person.list.html
        // and its ui-view="nav"
        '[email protected]': {
            templateUrl: "person.nav.html",
            controller: 'PersonNavController'

So where is the trick? In the power of the angular ui-router. We can, during each state defintion, target the current view. Now, the nav view is part of the list state definition - i.e. it will not be reloaded during the detail switching (also check here for more explanation)

We just have to use the defined naming conventions, see:

  • View Names - Relative vs. Absolute Names

Few cited lines from the mentioned documentation:

views: {
    // Relative Targeting             //
    // Targets parent state ui-view's //

    // Relatively targets the 'detail' view in this state's parent state, 'contacts'.
    // <div ui-view='detail'/> within contacts.html
    "detail" : { },            

    // Relatively targets the unnamed view in this state's parent state, 'contacts'.
    // <div ui-view/> within contacts.html
    "" : { }, 

    // Absolute Targeting using '@'                      //
    // Targets any view within this state or an ancestor //

    // Absolutely targets the 'info' view in this state, 'contacts.detail'.
    // <div ui-view='info'/> within contacts.detail.html
    "[email protected]" : { }

    // Absolutely targets the 'detail' view in the 'contacts' state.
    // <div ui-view='detail'/> within contacts.html
    "detail@contacts" : { }