"Configure Web Deploy" menu missing from IIS 8 menu

Solution 1:

I found this posting where the individual had the same problem. Turns out that he needed to install "Web Deploy 3.5 for Hosting Servers" on top of the other Web Deploy packages in web platform installer. Once I did this and restarted IIS the option became available.

Seems counter-intuitive to me since I am not a hosting provider and just wanted to host my application on my own server. I am not sure why the Web Deploy 3.5 package was not enough.

I had additional problems getting Web Deploy configured. This article on Web Deploy error codes helped me troubleshoot the problem. Another article on Configure the Web Deployment Handler was essential in solving the permissions issue allowing the web deploy user to create directories and files.

Solution 2:

For me the reinstall of Web Deploy didn't work. But I fixed it.

Go into the Server Manager, Roles, click on IIS, click on Add Role Services, check the Management Service. Close that out. Reopen IIS Manager, and voila the option is available!

For Windows2012 R2 server, options is in'Web Server (IIS)' -> 'Management Tools' –> 'Management Service'

P.S. Some additional steps could be required, as of @Gaui experience. Afterwards go to Programs and Features, find Web Deploy, click Change and check/install all checkboxes/features.

Solution 3:

You need to install Management Service before you install Web Deploy. If you haven't uninstall Web Deploy and reinstall it and it should work.