How do I kill the "server connections interrupted" window/process?

Solution 1:

If the issue is not common enough to find a solution on the Apple Knowlegde Base then it is most probably a rare issue caused by a corruption in the operating system or a 3'rd party application. Under these circumstances I would recommend one of the following:

  • Reinstalling OS X (after performing a backup, preferably with Time Machine).
  • Find someone else with identical hardware and software to see if their laptop does the same thing under the same circumstances (might be a compatibility issue with your wireless access point or router?)
  • Make a reservation at the Apple Genius Bar, they are great troubleshooters and will be able to tell you if there is something wrong with your laptop hardware or software.
  • A lot of troubleshooting information can be written to the OS X Console. Just have it running (and visible) while replicating this issue and it might print some information related to the issue.

I hope one of those steps can help you diagnose the issue, as it does not seem to be common enough to find a single solution for :-)

UPDATE: Since it appears that you are running "ADMitMac" which probably integrates with OS X in a significant way, and considering your issues are network related, there is a rather large red flag surrounding this software. I would strongly recommend uninstalling it as a trial to diagnose the issues you are encountering.

Solution 2:

Good advice has already been given, however, in order to determine if there’s a specific share causing the issue, I’d suggest two things:

1) Create a new blank user, connect from there and try to see if this new user exhibits the same problem/behavior.

2) Additionally, disconnect all shares and start connecting one by one and perform the voodoo magic to reproduce the “disconnect” dialog (with each individual connection). That way you could see if the problem only manifests in some connections but not others, or all.

Do you have any server log or anything that could be an indication of a process hanging or waiting for a server response that never comes? (already suggested)

UPDATE: Today I made a test. I connected my 10.6.4 to a Samba box running an ancient version of Fedora (probably 3-4 years old). And when I had the connection open, I halted the server to get the Server connections interrupted dialog:

Here’s how my dialog looked like:

Disconnect Dialog

public is the name of the share and nippur is the name of the server.

Now that’s why your dialog looked weird. Are you sure you’re running 10.6.x?

UPDATE 2: You’re running 10.6.4 but using ADMitMac, which "turns a Mac into a true Active Directory client”. I suspect that’s where the problem lies. I’d disable or remove that and start from there. I’m 99% sure that without it, the problem will go away. The problem will then turn onto a new question… why? But that’s an entire new world and only Console Logs will help (plus, of course, ADMicMac’s tech support).