Elementary GCD number theory proof

Solution 1:

Simplifying the gcd notation to $(a,b)$, etc., note first that for any four numbers,


with any permutations of the variables. This is because for each prime the gcd picks out the least power that divides the numbers under consideration.

Note next that $m(a,b)=(ma,mb)$ in general. Together, these equalities imply

$$\begin{align} (a,c)(a,d)&=(a(a,c),d(a,c))\quad\text{letting }m=(a,c)\\ &=(a(a,c),(ad,cd))\quad\text{letting }m=d\\ &=(a(a,c),(ad,ab))\quad\text{using }ab=cd\\ &=(a(a,c),a(d,b))\\ &=a((a,c),(d,b))\\ &=a(a,c,d,b)\\ &=a(a,b,c,d) \end{align}$$