Echo string to .txt file with multiple lines - with Windows Batch file

Solution 1:

echo Here is my first line
echo Here is my second line
echo Here is my third line

Solution 2:

Just repeat the echo and >> for lines after the first. >> means that it should append to a file instead of creating a new file (or overwriting an existing file):

echo Here is my first line > myNewTextFile.txt
echo Here is my second line >> myNewTextFile.txt
echo Here is my third line >> myNewTextFile.txt

Solution 3:

Searching for something else, I stumbled on this meanwhile old question, and I have an additional little trick that is worth mentioning, I think.

All solutions have a problem with empty lines and when a line starts with an option for the echo command itself. Compare the output files in these examples:

call :data1 >file1.txt
call :data2 >file2.txt
exit /b

echo Next line is empty
echo /? this line starts with /?
echo Last line
exit /b

echo:Next line is empty
echo:/? this line starts with /?
echo:Last line
exit /b

Now, file1.txt contains:

Next line is empty 
ECHO is off. 
Displays messages, or turns command-echoing on or off.

  ECHO [message]

Type ECHO without parameters to display the current echo setting. 
Last line

While file2.txt contains:

Next line is empty

/? this line starts with /?
Last line

The use of echo: miraculously solves the issues with the output in file1.txt.

Besides the colon, there are other characters that you could 'paste' to echo, among them a dot, a slash, ... Try for yourself.