Debugging in Clojure? [closed]
Solution 1:
There's also dotrace, which allows you to look at the inputs and outputs of selected functions.
(use 'clojure.contrib.trace)
(defn fib[n] (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
(dotrace [fib] (fib 3))
produces the output:
TRACE t4425: (fib 3)
TRACE t4426: | (fib 2)
TRACE t4427: | | (fib 1)
TRACE t4427: | | => 1
TRACE t4428: | | (fib 0)
TRACE t4428: | | => 0
TRACE t4426: | => 1
TRACE t4429: | (fib 1)
TRACE t4429: | => 1
TRACE t4425: => 2
In Clojure 1.4, dotrace
has moved:
You need the dependency:
[org.clojure/tools.trace "0.7.9"]
(require '
And you need to add the ^:dynamic to the function definition
(defn ^:dynamic fib[n] (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
Then Bob is once again your uncle:
( [fib] (fib 3))
TRACE t4328: (fib 3)
TRACE t4329: | (fib 2)
TRACE t4330: | | (fib 1)
TRACE t4330: | | => 1
TRACE t4331: | | (fib 0)
TRACE t4331: | | => 0
TRACE t4329: | => 1
TRACE t4332: | (fib 1)
TRACE t4332: | => 1
TRACE t4328: => 2
Solution 2:
I have a little debugging macro that I find very useful:
;;debugging parts of expressions
(defmacro dbg[x] `(let [x# ~x] (println "dbg:" '~x "=" x#) x#))
You can insert it wherever you want to watch what's going on and when:
;; Examples of dbg
(println (+ (* 2 3) (dbg (* 8 9))))
(println (dbg (println "yo")))
(defn factorial[n] (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (dbg (factorial (dec n))))))
(factorial 8)
(def integers (iterate inc 0))
(def squares (map #(dbg(* % %)) integers))
(def cubes (map #(dbg(* %1 %2)) integers squares))
(take 5 cubes)
(take 5 cubes)