My login keychain cannot be found. I have Keychain access but no Keychain repair option. OS X El Capitan

My login keychain cannot be found.
I have Keychain access but no Keychain repair option in the drop down menu. I am unclear if I have erased something in error, or if this is a common issue?

The login keychain lives in ~/Library/Keychains/

First thing I'd do is see if Time Machine has a backup.

There is no Repair Keychain function in El Capitan. According to Apple KB: About the security content of OS X El Capitan 10.11.2

Impact: A malicious application may be able to masquerade as the Keychain Server. Description: An issue existed in how Keychain Access interacted with Keychain Agent. This issue was resolved by removing legacy functionality.

According to rumour, it never worked since 10.11 anyway.