What's a word to describe topics that would be impolite to talk about?

What's a word for this? I thought of taboo (or from MW - taboo). But I'm not sure that this is the right word. Examples of this kind of topic include:

  • money
  • sex
  • other people not present

Is there a specific name for topics like this?

Solution 1:

Yes, it's called a taboo subject/topic.

What other things might be considered taboo depends on the social situation. It's not always that the subjects themselves are taboo/unmentionable, but their tendency to foment heated, divisive, or even disruptive discussions (or awkward, embarrassing moments), so they are avoided in certain circles. For example, a couple might set certain house rules.

A less loaded term: off-limits.

Some other topics usually considered off-limits — (This is not meant as an exhaustive list, but it covers the most common ones in USA.)

  • politics (among some people, it's not even safe to mention the President's name, lest you stir up a hornet's nest.)

  • religion (nobody agrees about this, unless all present are of the same denomination)

  • your or anyone else's salary (especially sensitive subcategory of the "money" topic you mentioned)

  • any woman's age

  • a person's weight or fatness, or a woman's dress size

  • other people's drinking or drug use (except jokingly, among fellow users)

So what does that leave as "safe" topics? Here are a few:

  • sports, recreation, hunting & fishing (at least among most guys)

  • cars (among guys)

  • the weather

  • one's kids (but it's considered bad taste to either complain too much or brag too much about your kids)

  • hobbies

  • wives (in men-only groups, although not wise to mention sex))

  • husbands (in small female groups; ditto)

  • Fashion (mainly among women-only groups)

Solution 2:

This could also be referred to, variously, as examples of a social indiscretion, impropriety, or gaffe

indiscretion noun:

1: lack of discretion: imprudence

2 a: something (as an act or remark) marked by lack of discretion

b: an act at variance with the accepted morality of a society see, Merriam-Webster indiscretion

impropriety noun: plural noun: improprieties

a failure to observe standards or show due honesty or modesty; improper language, behavior, or character. See, Google impropriety

gaffe noun:

1: a social or diplomatic blunder

2: a noticeable mistake. see, Merriam-Webster gaffe

Solution 3:

You've already had unmentionable in the comments. Consider also unspoken. If something is in the background of a conversation but not directly mentioned because it's a too sensitive topic then you might even call it the elephant in the room.

Some topics are considered unsuitable for conversation - traditional dinner party etiquette says to avoid religion and politics. Others add money, bodily functions and body odours - the phrase for this is that such topics are not to be discussed in polite conversation or are not for polite company.

Solution 4:

You don't want to make a "faux pas". Which according to Wikipedia:

... is a socially awkward or tactless act, especially one that violates accepted social norms, standard customs, or the rules of etiquette.