Change the first character in each word of a string to uppercase
I found the function below :
"Changes the first character in each word of a string to uppercase (if it is a lowercase alphabetical character)."
void CFStringCapitalize (
CFMutableStringRef theString,
CFLocaleRef locale
Does anyone know how to use it with my NSMutableString ?
Thank you,
Solution 1:
The capitalizedString method exists in NSString class, see the docs
NSString *foo = @"this is all lower";
NSString *fooUpper = [foo capitalizedString];
Note that this isn't iPhone specific, same code on the Mac.
Solution 2:
(NSString *)capitalizedString
NSString *myString,*myCapitalizedString;
myString = @"capitalize";
myCapitalizedString = [myString capitalizedString]; //produces a capitalized copy of 'myString'