What command should I type to run Chrome from the terminal?

I have remote box accessed by VNC and jwm desktop.
No menus, not desktop icons, only a terminal window.

I have downloaded Chrome's .deb package and installed it.

How can I run it from the terminal window?

Well simply typing google-chrome works fine for me. It might not work if you installed Chromium. chromium-browser is for Chromium.

  • For Chrome:

  • For Chromium:


However if it's a remote box... At least via ssh you must use -X when option connecting to be able to run windowed apps. Like this:

ssh -X [email protected]

If you get the path where the application is installed then you can run the application from there

For example to know the path where google-chrome is located run this command:

whereis google-chrome

You will get the path like:

google-chrome: /usr/bin/google-chrome /usr/bin/X11/google-chrome /usr/share/man/man1/google-chrome.1

Now you can run chrome by either executing two commands:


Note: it will be applied for all installed applications. Also, It would be possible that you would not get the path /usr/bin/X11 or would get something different.

Hope you like this way to find the path and run chrome :)

In Ubuntu 15.10 this command works very well

google-chrome www.google.com

for more options you can use

google-chrome --help



I use this command and it works for me. I too installed it using the .deb package. So this should work for you too. Typing an url after the command opens the url.