Something that is impossible but has happened [closed]

I would like to know if anyone knows the word for something that should be impossible but has happened. An example is the Big Bang Theory. It shouldn't have been possible but something happened for us to exist.

Transcendent event:


  1. Beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experience:


Regardless of how appealing the theory is, we have no way to demonstrate conclusively that a transcendent event like the Big Bang happened. We might gather historic evidence to suggest strongly that it is a plausible explanation, but modern empirical science is limited to repeatable events and falsifiable propositions, and the "Big Bang" is neither repeatable nor falsifiable in any sense of our current technology.

From any place in human history people could look back and see things that were beyond their current capacity to understand and explain. The explosive growth of our capacity has not changed that reality:

mid-15c., from Latin transcendentem (nominative transcendens) "surmounting, rising above," present participle of transcendere

(see transcend).

mid-14c., "escape inclusion in; lie beyond the scope of,"

from Old French transcendre "transcend, surpass," and directly from Latin

transcendere "climb over or beyond, surmount, overstep,"

from trans- "beyond" (see trans-) + scandere "to climb" (see scan (v.)).

Meanings "be surpassing, outdo, excel; surmount, move beyond" are from early 15c.


late 14c., "mark off verse in metric feet,"

from Late Latin scandere "to scan verse," originally, in classical Latin, "to climb, rise, mount" (the connecting notion is of the rising and falling rhythm of poetry),

from PIE *skand- "to spring, leap, climb"

A possible word for this is inexplicable, which means it is unable to be explained.

A miracle can have a religious connotation but can also be used figuratively.


  • a very amazing or unusual event, thing, or achievement MW
  • An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God. TFD


"The new bridge can be described as a miracle of engineering."

"It was a miracle cure."

"It's a miracle that they didn't die in the accident."

In science, observations that don't match theory are called "anomalies".

If something was thought to be impossible, but happened, it would be an anomalous observation.

As an aside, the Big Bang is not an anomaly because the currently accepted models of cosmology do not render the Big Bang impossible.