Laptop does not charge old or new battery with Old and New AC adapters

I've seen this before with a similar MoBo. Have you tried updating your bios? That fixed it for me.(I made an account because this took like 2 weeks for me to figure out)

As I said in my answer to your last question, if swapping the battery and AC adapter hasn't solved the problem it's almost certainly the charging mechanism of the motherboard. As Dan M. says in the comments, it's probably worth looking around inside the machine to make sure nothing is loose (the design of these things can vary a LOT from vendor to vendor) but odds are it's something integrated to the board, so you're going to have to end up replacing the whole thing (unless you can see something that obviously needs to be resoldered or the like).

EDIT: Since we've discovered the true culprit here, let me just add that you should ALWAYS UPDATE FIRMWARE before you go to the extent of replacing hardware. Generally if you're not having a fluke problem, the manufacturer knows about it (even if they don't explicitly say "We have problem X, this will fix it!").