Play the movie faster with cvlc

Solution 1:

Use the square brackets keys.

  • [ for decrease speed by 0.1x increments
  • ] for increase speed by 0.1x increments

These keys also allow moving above the 1.0x speed, unlike +/- keys.

Solution 2:

  • Try the + key on the numeric keypad. This seems to increase the playback rate by 0.5. I found this out by trying every key on my keyboard :) (- slows the playback rate.)
  • Try the = key. This seems to increase the playback rate by 0.1. Note that cvlc seems to assume a QWERTY keyboard layout, regardless of your choice of keyboard layout.
  • On Ubuntu 11.10, there is a config file for vlc located at ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc. Search for

    # Faster (fine) (key)
    # key-rate-faster-fine=]

    and / or

    # Faster (key)
    # key-faster=+

    Uncomment the second line by removing the # sign, and (if you desire) change the key. For example,

       # Faster (key)