How to avoid the spell check on string in Pycharm

Where is the option to disable the spell check on the strings for the PyCharm IDE? I hate the jagged line under my comments and strings.

Solution 1:

Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Inspections. Expand the list under Spelling in the middle window and uncheck the option Typo.

enter image description here

However, practically most of the jagged line is caused by violations of the PEP 8 coding style. If you would like to disable this option too, in the same window, expand the list under Python and uncheck the option PEP 8 coding style violation.

Solution 2:

In the latest version of PyCharm it appears as ProofReading:


Solution 3:

You can disable spellchecking for specific code section by commenting # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection above it.
