WPF ListBox Scroll to end automatically

Try this:

lstBox.SelectedIndex = lstBox.Items.Count -1;
lstBox.ScrollIntoView(lstBox.SelectedItem) ;

In your MainWindow, this will select and focus on last item on the list!

The easiest way to do this:

if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(listView) > 0)
    Border border = (Border)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(listView, 0);
    ScrollViewer scrollViewer = (ScrollViewer)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(border, 0);

It is always working for ListView and ListBox controls. Attach this code to the listView.Items.SourceCollection.CollectionChanged event and you have fully automatic auto-scrolling behaviour.

Keep in mind that listBox.ScrollIntoView(listBox.Items[listBox.Items.Count - 1]); works only if you have no duplicate items. If you have items with the same contents it scrolls down to the first find.

Here is the solution I found:

ListBoxAutomationPeer svAutomation = (ListBoxAutomationPeer)ScrollViewerAutomationPeer.CreatePeerForElement(myListBox);

IScrollProvider scrollInterface = (IScrollProvider)svAutomation.GetPattern(PatternInterface.Scroll);
System.Windows.Automation.ScrollAmount scrollVertical = System.Windows.Automation.ScrollAmount.LargeIncrement;
System.Windows.Automation.ScrollAmount scrollHorizontal = System.Windows.Automation.ScrollAmount.NoAmount;
//If the vertical scroller is not available, the operation cannot be performed, which will raise an exception. 
if ( scrollInterface.VerticallyScrollable )
    scrollInterface.Scroll(scrollHorizontal, scrollVertical);