How to sync bookmarks across Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox bookmarks?

How to sync bookmarks across Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox bookmarks?

As I currently understand, Google Chrome puts bookmarks separately from Google Bookmarks, which is accessible in Firefox by using Google Toolbar for Firefox. Right?

So, how should I synchronize my browsers? I use Google Chrome as my primary browser. It works good and bookmarks are synchronized across a number of computers I'm using.

Yes, as jcnaquin suggested, Xmarks is awesome.

(Chrome Extension, Firefox Ad-on)

Not only can you do cross-browser, but you can set up profiles for different computers (Work/Home/Custom) and determine which bookmarks/folders go with each profile. This can help you choose if you want specific bookmarks to be at home, or if you want to leave them at work.

In addition, you can sync Passwords, or Open Tabs on each computer, but only if you want to, of course.

Give Xmarks a try.

There is no actual way to sync your bookmarks through different web browsers without using one of those services (like Xmarks, EverSync or Delicious, for example) that require you to create an account. The problem with that is that it might lead your browser to create several copies of your bookmarks, making a REAL mess, as Antony said.

Of those 3, I personally recommend EverSync, as you can freely use it on your phone as well, but there are many more similar services, most of them with the same multisyncing issue.

There has been a tentative project to implement Weave Sync into Google Chrome

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