How do I do multiple assignment in MATLAB?

You don't need deal at all (edit: for Matlab 7.0 or later) and, for your example, you don't need mat2cell; you can use num2cell with no other arguments::

foo = [88, 12];
fooCell = num2cell(foo);
[x y]=fooCell{:}

x =


y =


If you want to use deal for some other reason, you can:

foo = [88, 12];
fooCell = num2cell(foo);
[x y]=deal(fooCell{:})

x =


y =


Note that deal accepts a "list" as argument, not a cell array. So the following works as expected:

> [x,y] = deal(88,12)
x = 88

y = 12

The syntax c{:} transforms a cell array in a list, and a list is a comma separated values, like in function arguments. Meaning that you can use the c{:} syntax as argument to other functions than deal. To see that, try the following:

> z = plus(1,2)
z = 3

> c = {1,2};
> z = plus(c{:});
z = 3

To use the num2cell solution in one line, define a helper function list:

function varargout = list(x)
% return matrix elements as separate output arguments
% example: [a1,a2,a3,a4] = list(1:4)

varargout = num2cell(x);
