HP 4770s Ralink 3290 wireless not working on 12.10

If you don't want to read the text below and wish your wi-fi works — then just install Ubuntu 13.04 beta or newer and copy the necessary firmware. But please don't run apt-get upgrade — there is an issue with Intel HD Graphics after upgrade.

I have already explored a lot of tutorials, reinstalled OS more than dozen times and here is what i discovered about Ralink RT3290:

  1. There is no driver avaliable in Ubuntu distros with default kernels (12.04, 12.10)
  2. In Ubuntu 13.04 beta1 driver is present, but firmware is missing
  3. Driver compiling is quite simple
  4. ISSUE: In Ubuntu 12.10 driver causes a kernel panic
  5. ISSUE: After installing driver and trying to shutdown/suspend, notebook automatically turns on/wakes up
  6. Driver is avaliable in Fedora 18 beta


Finally, Ralink RT3290 works on HP ProBook 4740s with Ubuntu 12.04 x64 with 3.6.11 kernel version. See #8 comment to bug on launchpad for getting guide about newer kernel and firmware installation.


Driver works with Ubuntu 12.04 x64 with 3.6.11 kernel version, but there is issues with speed and signal level, so I installed Ubuntu 12.04 x64 with manually compiled.


After installing the kernel 3.8.0-9 on Ubuntu 12.04 (or you can install Ubuntu 13.04 beta — it has necessary kernel version) and copying the necessary firmware, the system has stabilized and after the shutdown the notebook didn't turn on its own. But wi-fi hardware button doesn't work.