What is the linq equivalent to the SQL IN operator

With linq I have to check if a value of a row is present in an array.
The equivalent of the sql query:

WHERE ID IN (2,3,4,5)

How can I do it?

Solution 1:


var resultset = from x in collection where new[] {2,3,4,5}.Contains(x) select x

Of course, with your simple problem, you could have something like:

var resultset = from x in collection where x >= 2 && x <= 5 select x

Solution 2:

Perform the equivalent of an SQL IN with IEnumerable.Contains().

var idlist = new int[] { 2, 3, 4, 5 };

var result = from x in source
          where idlist.Contains(x.Id)
          select x;

Solution 3:

db.SomeTable.Where(x => new[] {2,3,4,5}.Contains(x));


from x in db.SomeTable
where new[] {2,3,4,5}.Contains(x)

Solution 4:

Intersect and Except are a little more concise and will probably be a bit faster too.


collection.Intersect(new[] {2,3,4,5});


collection.Except(new[] {2,3,4,5});


Method syntax for IN

collection.Where(x => new[] {2,3,4,5}.Contains(x));

and NOT IN

collection.Where(x => !(new[] {2,3,4,5}.Contains(x)));