Are students considered as adults or as children for reproducing in Banished?

Solution 1:

Students do marry BUT one of the couples must be a worker. Actually it makes sense because how two students are going to provide for a household?

In conclusion, if all your workers are married and you only have students that are of reproduction age, do not build a new house until one of the students graduate.

Addendum: Note that the previous paragraph is very important. Because if you build homes earlier, some couples may break up and one parent, maybe along with some of the children, move to this new home.

This is an undesirable thing because this effectively means using up more food and firewood for +1 home. Building your homes as described in the second paragraph, you can "force" couples to live in the same house.

However, I don't know if "forcing" to live couples at the same house in this way have any adverse effects on their happiness.

Solution 2:

Students do marry, move in, and have children.