Returning a value from callback function in Node.js [duplicate]

Its undefined because, console.log(response) runs before doCall(urlToCall); is finished. You have to pass in a callback function aswell, that runs when your request is done.

First, your function. Pass it a callback:

function doCall(urlToCall, callback) {
    urllib.request(urlToCall, { wd: 'nodejs' }, function (err, data, response) {                              
        var statusCode = response.statusCode;
        finalData = getResponseJson(statusCode, data.toString());
        return callback(finalData);


var urlToCall = "http://myUrlToCall";
doCall(urlToCall, function(response){
    // Here you have access to your variable

@Rodrigo, posted a good resource in the comments. Read about callbacks in node and how they work. Remember, it is asynchronous code.

I am facing small trouble in returning a value from callback function in Node.js

This is not a "small trouble", it is actually impossible to "return" a value in the traditional sense from an asynchronous function.

Since you cannot "return the value" you must call the function that will need the value once you have it. @display_name already answered your question, but I just wanted to point out that the return in doCall is not returning the value in the traditional way. You could write doCall as follow:

function doCall(urlToCall, callback) {
    urllib.request(urlToCall, { wd: 'nodejs' }, function (err, data, response) {                              
        var statusCode = response.statusCode;
        finalData = getResponseJson(statusCode, data.toString());
        // call the function that needs the value
        // we are done

Line callback(finalData); is what calls the function that needs the value that you got from the async function. But be aware that the return statement is used to indicate that the function ends here, but it does not mean that the value is returned to the caller (the caller already moved on.)

Example code for node.js - async function to sync function:

var deasync = require('deasync');

function syncFunc()
    var ret = null;
    asyncFunc(function(err, result){
        ret = {err : err, result : result}

    while((ret == null))

    return (ret.err || ret.result);