VPN connection breaks internet

After installing OpenVPN properly (network-manager-openvpn) and setting up my VPN, I am not able to connect to any internet page or access anything that's remote. Pinging stuff is totally dead.

I have absolutely no idea on how to proceed from now. What should I do?

It's perfectly normal, as by default, all connections are made through your VPN. You have two options:

  • you can configure you VPN server to let connections to the outside go through the VPN
  • you can configure you client to only use your VPN for connections to other machines in the private network

Eraser is correct with regards the 2 configuration setups. The control to change this is buried in the config panels of the Network Manager Open VPN setup (There is a checkbox with an option like "Use this connection for all routing" which, when unticked, will allow you to connect to the Internet through your normal connection and only use the VPN for IPs configured on the VPN network).

Alternatively, depending on the interface (not sure which type you're using), there should be a "Only use VPN for these addresses" checkbox with a text input to specify an IP range.