Does an online tool exist that can find words of a certain length given an input of certain characters?
Can anyone think of a tool with which I can pass it many optional parameters such as the length of the word I'm looking for, and a few letters in that word and have it spit out a list of words?
If you understand regexs, you can use this.
For example, '^mo.s.$' yields:
- moist
- moose
- mosso
- mossy
- mouse
- mousy
I think you're looking for More Words.
Here are some basic word search options:
Use a hyphen (dash) to give the location of a missing letter: w-rd or -are
Use an asterisk (star) for any number of unknown letters: lett* or *gry or ar*ct
Exclude words containing the letters that follow a caret (hat): ma-e ^kt
Or enter a few letters (without hyphens or asterisks) to see if they make any words.